Applying for a Loan
Securing Loans Can Help Improve Your Financial Wellness
Loans serve as valuable tools for achieving financial goals and facilitating important purchases. Whether it's buying a home, financing a new car, or consolidating debt, understanding the different types of loans and, more importantly, when you should take a loan will be essential over the course of your financial journey.
Types of Loans
There are a variety of loans a person can and will most likely need to take throughout their life. Learn which loans work for your specific goals and when you should consider applying for them.
Navigate the Loan Landscape
When You Should Get a Personal Loan
Learn about all the different personal loans available to you and determine if acquiring one will make sense for your financial needs.
5 Questions to Ask a Mortgage Lender
Asking your mortgage lender a few simple questions can help you prepare for your loan long before you sign the final paperwork.
4 Tips for Buying a Car During Inflation
During periods of high inflation, you may be asking yourself “is this a good time to buy a car”? Learn some smart ways to purchase without breaking the bank.

Citadel Can Help You Secure the Loan You Need
Citadel is here to provide you the tools you need to achieve financial success. We have multiple loan options and credit cards designed to fit your financial lifestyle and our experts will help you at every step of the application process. Learn more at